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Throughout The Year
Events, Fundraisers, Cookbooks, and other great opportunities available throughout the school year.
Log Community Service Hours
Community Service Program
Now, more than ever, one of our main goals remains to keep private school as affordable as possible. To keep tuition costs low, we extend opportunities to families to help with things around the school that would normally add to the school’s budget costs.
We ask each family to donate 10 hours of their time towards our Community Service Program. If you are not able to participate in the program, we request a $200 payment towards hiring people to perform this work.
When you’ve performed work towards your hours please fill out a voucher (from your welcome packet) or the form to the right to deduct the hours from your balance.
You may have talents or skills we could benefit from sp please don’t hesitate to be creative and suggest something that isn’t on our list below.
Once a month cleaning out the coops/stables and applying fresh bedding for our goats, sheep, and chickens.
Setting up, manning the table, and providing information on occasions where were may have a sale.
Weeding, caring for flowers and vegetables. This can be done in the summer or weekends also.
Shoveling snow for a safe school.
Once a week/month teach the students your native language.
Teach the students about health and nutrition or instruct a physical education class. This may also be used towards tuition exchange.
Read to the Elementary students or allow them to read to you during our morning daily reading sessions.
Instruct one of our monthly cooking classes to ether Sprouts or Elementary kids.
Share your culture and customs with the students.
Teach the students about your career and what it takes to get there. Hands-on demonstration is great! We can bring the kids to you or you can visit the classroom.
Let us know if you’re able to fix the occasional plumbing, electrical, or other repair jobs that arise throughout the year.
Regular gutter cleaning
Assisting the Director with fundraising events.
Assist in the classroom doing tasks such as reading, bathroom assistance, classroom management, etc.
Fill in for an absent teacher. Substitute phone calls generally go out around 6 AM.
Occasional evening learning workshops for parents.
Small group of people who will regularly come to the school and take pictures during class time and events. coordinate and arrange them into a yearbook in one of our online accounts.
Assist in returning books to shelves and occasional vacuuming and dusting.

First weeks of school
Please supply a complete change of clothes that we will keep at school in case of accidents. Include:
2 pairs of socks
2 pairs of underwear (minimum)
Slippers - well-fitting, non-slip
Your child must be outfitted with a backpack every day they come to school. Your child’s projects and any extra items will be sent home via the backpack.
Full Day children should bring in a complete lunch with a drink. Appropriate lunch
If your child will come early or stay late for extended care, then please send in an appropriate snack.
Seedlings students must provide their own snacks from, as diets often vary at that age level. Include two snacks for full-day children and one snack for half-day children.
Dress your child appropriately for an active day and expected weather. We will go outside every day unless it’s dangerously cold or precipitating.
During season changes it is best to send a light jacket or sweater.
During the winter months, a snowsuit, hat, mittens and warm boots with warm socks are required. Children not dressed properly will not be able to participate in outside activities.
Always remember – layering is best!
Separating from your child during the first few weeks (up to 6 weeks), can make your child anxious. You may also be anticipating the separation as a parent. Our suggestion is to leave them with a positive comment, a reminder that you will return soon, and then depart as soon as possible. Prolonging the separation process can actually do more harm than good.
We have many tried and true techniques to help your child through this process. Should your child continue to cry beyond 30 minutes, we will call you and discuss the situation. It is best to wait until afternoon pickup to discuss things with your child’s teacher if it’s not urgent.
Keep in mind that crying during drop off for the first few weeks is extremely normal. It is also normal for your child not to cry and then begin doing so a month or more after the initial separation. We have had years of experience with this and are comfortable in dealing with these situations.
Sprouts and Elementary students will remain outside to play upon arrival unless there is inclement weather. Please have your child dressed in their outside attire upon arrival. At dismissal the children will also be outside playing. Should we remain inside for dismissal, please wait in your car until we send out the children with a teacher.
If you wish to come inside, you must park your car in a space on the edge of the parking lot.
All students will be signed in and out daily. A staff member will present you with sign in/out sheets.
If you participate in Extended Care, you must also sign the Extended Care Booklet. Extended Care Booklet
Our parking lot is prone to traffic jams. Please follow this procedure during drop off and pick up
Follow the loop of cars
Wait to unload your child until you are one of the first three cars
Quickly sign your child in or out and leave promptly
If you plan on staying for a few minutes, you may park spot along the front or back of the parking lot and walk in.
As we learn everyone’s cars we will have the students prepared to leave when we see their parents pull in.
Our school is committed to discipline of children that always dignifies and respects their own inner guidance and self-directed purpose for harmony, order, cooperation and love towards their environment and those around them. Adults shall therefore only interact with children to support such self-discipline in children, to assure their compliance and cooperation with necessary procedures and proper behavior through such positive means as example, clear directions, reasoning, distraction, reflective language and questioning.
We consider any intentional inflicting of physical or emotional pain, or threat of such pain, on children, by such means as yelling, pulling hair, grabbing, pulling, hitting, spanking, slapping, pinching, degrading, calling a derogatory name etc., as strictly inconsistent and contrary to our discipline policy.
This policy applies to all adults while on school premises, including regular staff, part-time staff, volunteers and parents and their agents. All such adults are required to and hereby do agree to follow this discipline policy at all times in their interaction with children on school premises. This school policy also includes the actions of parents or their agents in the treatment of their own children.
Any adult who violates this policy agrees to accept correction, direction or other suitable guidance to cooperate in a remedy of the situation, consistent with our discipline policy stated here.
With each child, we address discipline individually, depending on the situation that calls for disciplinary measures. Our basic premise is, “If you break something you need to fix it.” This brings forth responsibility on the part of the child to correct their own mistakes, both now and in the future. Should a child find themselves out of control within their own frame of reference, the most that will be offered to them is to be taken out of play or work in order to sit for a moment, think about their actions and collect themselves before resuming normal activities. We work to bring out the inner discipline within a child.
We employ ample caution regarding sexual misconduct. Situations that were once considered benign are now being viewed as potential sexual abuse or molestation. In light of this, our school has documented our bathroom policy. We require permission for any assistance offered to your child in the bathroom. We would also like parents to know that we are sensitive to this issue and understanding of parental concerns.
No Fields of Green staff member will accompany a child into the bathroom unless permission is given by the parent(s). In the case of a toilet accident, if the waiver is declined and the parent is unable to be reached by telephone, the Fields of Green staff will assist the child and an incident report will be sent home to be signed and returned by the parent.
a) In the Seedlings classroom, there is a small toilet. All children will be assisted by the staff without parental permission since many are just learning how to use the toilet, unless other arrangements and agreements are made prior to enrollment of a child. Toilet trained children will, depending upon the situation, be brought upstairs to use the Sprouts bathroom.
b) In the Sprouts classroom, no more than one student can occupy the bathroom at a time and every effort will be made to secure a child’s privacy. Children are allowed to use the bathroom unsupervised. If deemed necessary by our staff, a staff member will stand outside the bathroom door and supervise the bathroom without entering.
c) In the Elementary classroom, only one student at a time can occupy a bathroom during toilet use. Every effort will be made to secure a child’s privacy. Children are allowed to use the bathroom unsupervised unless the situation calls for supervision by a staff member.
d) In the event of vomiting, a child will be accompanied to the bathroom by a staff member without parental consent and the door will remain open at all times. An incident report will be sent home to be signed by the parent(s) and returned to the school.
I understand that if I decline assistance by any staff member and the need arise for my child to require help (toilet accident, etc.) I will be contacted by phone first for permission. If I am unable to be reached, I understand that a staff member will assist my child and an incident report will be sent home for me to sign and return to the school.